Monday, December 12, 2011

Kitty Christmas

Num-mum aged

num mum kiss

3D Final

My laptop died before I could finish what I was doing in class, but I'll finish what I was doing at home and see if I can find a way to put the still images into an animation with one of the programs I have at home and re-upload that.

I ended up not being able to use my original storyline because of its complexity, so I decided to try to save it by having the camera view GIR dancing, then go around the "candyland" landscape with the gum drops kind of jumping up and down like jumping beans until it returns back to GIR.

Edit: The following video is my final.

Final Animation

kittypoof v dragon.m4v

Animation 3 Final BOOYAH


Monday, November 14, 2011

In class demonstration

For next week have your final animation storyboard completed. We only have 4 more weeks left in the semester!

Review of material and concepts covered:
Modeling with splines (lathe, extrude, sweep, and loft)
Editing objects in point mode and polygon mode
Setting up a light
Setting up cameras
Rendering as still and as animation
PLA point level animation and Key Framing

5 3D things from primatives

Monday, November 7, 2011

Character Rig video 15

Video 15 cuts out about half way through. I think I figured out what he did though. I believe all he does is creates a control spline for the head pivot.

-create a diamond shape using the linear spline tool to match his shape
-center axis of spline
-axis snap center of spline to head pivot
-move spline up to be under the head along the jawline
-axis snap the axis of the spline to the head pivot
-name the spline "sc_head01"
-parent this under "bn_neck01"
-parent  "bn_head01" under "sc_head01"

My video doesn't have audio, but I hope it helps! Ask me questions if this post isn't clear!

5 Renderings

Sorry this was late.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Character Rig Differences

Here are a few differences/problems I've encountered in the character rig tutorial...

There is no Freeze Transformation in our 11.5 version.

You have to reset your layout every time you open Cinema. There is probably a way around this, but I don't know what it is. For the snapping menu the hot key is "P". For the Structure window just grab the entire Structure drop down menu. I kept having problems with the Axis Snapping not working. Make sure you have both Axis Snapping and 3D Snapping selected.

My video 8 cuts out at the end... I'm assuming he just says to Add Keyframe Selection, and then rambles about the contents of the next video.

The Mirror Tool options in 11.5 look different but most of them are there. All of the foot and the knee control mirrored, but the joints for the knee and thigh and the pole pivot did not. To get these to mirror, I also mirrored the thigh, shin, and ankle under the body. I'm adding a picture for this because I feel like this mirror thing is unclear.

I've just finished video 9. I hope this helps!

Monday, October 31, 2011

5 Renderings

I made the snow cone, GIR, and Pucca head with Blender, but the others were made with Cinema. (I found the Cinema demo version after I made the ones with Blender.)

I finished the bobsled tutorial thing - or as far as I can get without the plug-ins, anyways - but I'm not sure which file type I should export it as.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework for October 31st


Animation One 
Post your five renderings created from primitives in C4D and complete the following tutorial
bobsled tutorial

Advanced Animation

Complete rigging your character

check out


Midterm Animation

Sorry it fell a bit short.


Animation Midterm

god wants to play a game

Animation Midterm

It didn't turn out as long as I had planned for it to be. Some things need some fixing up (Cat spinning around especially), and I forgot to put credits for some things I used at the end of video like I had planned (I'll have to add those in the comments later), but everything else should be there.


Music gets loud!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I Movie- is great for trimming and adding some transitions and sounds. There are a collection of video effects that can be added as well.
Use Garage Band to record, trim, and manipulate sound and sound effects for your animation.
After Effects - can be used to create endless high end effects on video as well as fantastic motion graphics
Adobe Flash - a fantastic animation tool for 2-d animation
Create and manipulate artwork for your animation in both Photoshop and Illustrator

I really feel that the animator must have an arsenal of tools and weapons at their disposal to create rich and engaging final products.

Also covered:
Obtain a variety of public domain footage from

REMINDER!!!!! Midterm projects are due OCTOBER 24th

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Animatic: The Promise

Made up of bases and stick figures. Haha. Decided to make the parts in the beginning, where the girl is talking, Japanese anime style, and then do something my friends and I have dubbed "advanced stick-figures" for the rest of the animation. I'm still learning human anatomy, so I know I would feel the need to spend far more time than available on drawing out the characters if I did it Japanese anime style the whole way through.

Frame Notes:
Scene 1: Title (All notes on frame.)
Scene 2: Thought clouds start to appear on third sentence.
Scene 3: Dream-like music clip plays as view moves from person to biggest cloud and zooms in.
Scene 4: Zoom in on Cat (girl at the window).
Scene 5: (All notes on frame.)
Scene 6: Need to move frame view over so the character is in the middle of the frame. Tree neighs like a horse when she stops moving it.
Scene 7: Cat twitches an ear before speaking. Same background as scene 5.
Scene 8: Same background as scene 6.
Scene 9: Zoom in on Cat's face as she turns. Sparkly eyes. Same background as scene 5.
Scene 10: Same background as scene 6.
Scene 11: Same background as scene 5.
Scene 12: Same background as scene 6.
Scene 13: Both girls start giggling. Background behind Cat's half of the frame includes parts of the curtains and the wall with a picture hanging. Behind Tree's half of the the frame includes a bookshelf with many horse toys.
Scene 14: End (All notes on frame.)
Scene 15: Credits. Words scroll up.

Monday, September 19, 2011

UPDATE 09/19/2011

Topics covered:

-using the bone tool to create a flash puppet
Great TUTORIAL on bone tool here at FLASH FOR MORTALS

-using the virtual camera in flash

Bonus animating JIB JAB style mouth tutorial

»»»»»»CALENDAR of important dates««««««««««

Faceless Animatic

This is my narrative project from 2D, which came about from my visions project. I'm pretty stuck on mind control. I would like to turn the idea into my animation.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lemony Snicket Credits

I love how animation is so popular in credit sequences, and this is one of my favorites.
click here yo

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pure Annoyance


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Look at this

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

toon dog tutorial

marble track components

Hair and Particle Emitters!


Something I created while fooling around in C4D.


From this point on you should be working towards your final 3d animation which will be due on May 4th Wednesday. Although I will be demonstrating on all remaining classes you will have lab time and individual help to create your animations. Important: start with a storyboard. Think about camera shots, interesting points of view, textures, and lighting. You should expect to spend time outside of class to complete this assignment.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011